Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Methods of Teaching

Teachers are the main disseminators of knowledge in the schools and society. They occupy the enviable position of being the main interpreters of knowledge for the next generation and future leaders. In order to make this knowledge viable, it requires pedagogical skills that are capable to serve the minorities and all other populations equitably.Most people are locked out during the dissemination of knowledge not because they are not in the teaching venue at the right time, but because their way of knowing is not incorporated into the teaching styles and strategies (Karl, 1997).According to Lev Vygotskyas Social development theory we find that he states the cognitive development of a child is influenced by social interaction he says that while biological factors highly influence development, they just don’t occur in isolation. He says that the social environment in child’s life matters a lot in his development. He reasons that adult guidance and child’s problem so lving early in life are things that affect cognitive growth. He calls it proximal development zone.He says that this is the zone where learning takes place. This is also where the child learns from the peers. Children learn speech and writing from their immediate social environment. These are tools that develop from culture and they help children to communicate their needs (Gardner and Jerome, 2001). He reasoned that language and thought are co exist, none can happen without the other. The Neo –Vygotsian approach to child development is more effective than the radical approach.Which was used in the past didn’t provide students with an environment that encouraged learning where they play an active role in their learning and education. Through this they also influence their peers’ education. Both the teacher and students play untraditional roles together to enhance learning. Collaboration between the teacher and students in learning is better than where the teache r dictates to the students what to do. The students then just do the recitation, which is not good learning.Education or learning where the students and teachers share ideas to enhance learning is the best. According to Vygotsky classroom arrangement should enhance small groups of the students to discuss. This can be done by creating more workspace by having tables and tables clustered. This is where the students can easily interact. In such a case communal learning is encouraged in the class. Teachers develop an instruction set up that is above the students’ development level to help them develop to the next levelFrom the above theory I can therefore say that Teaching strategies can be defined as the means whereby teachers and instructors use diverse teaching methods or techniques in conveying information to a class of students or those people who are required to gain new knowledge. There are various forms of techniques that can be utilized which include expository teaching, interactive teaching, Small group teaching or discussion, inquiry teaching or problem solving, Individualization method of teaching and models of reality.This paper will focus on small group discussions and interactive methods of teaching (Gardner and Jerome, 2001). In my position I do not support the constructivism since it is a way of teaching that involve the students to get information through observation and experimentation in this case we find that constructivism method can be described as presentation by the teacher or lecturer to a big group of learners whereby the presence of active learning in the class is limited and only the teacher or lecturer takes the whole time designated for the lesson outlining whatever to be learned.This method can only be efficient and the best method if strategies that are active should be incorporated. Usually teachers are characterized by longer hours with a lot of topics to be covered which have led to the approach being inefficient, I find it to be a complex method of teaching and that it should be discouraged by any teacher (Bruner, 1996).since I believe that the constructivism is a complex method of teaching, In order to yield good teaching results in my profession I therefore choose the following types of teaching methods which are the small group discussions and the interactive teaching methods as the appropriate strategies for teaching Small Group Discuss Discussion is found to be the most important strategies applied in many learning institutions which usually involve the division of the students in class into a number of groups that are meant to represent certain points of view on the identified topic that is regarded as the most compromising subject.Under group discussions we find that there are those who support the argument, that is the proponents or those for, and those who oppose the issue referred to as those against or the critics, this actually indicates the benefits of the team work in many learning in stitutions whereby we find that students involve themselves in a number of debates through character or even assuming different roles (Print, 1993).These discussions are also believed to be leading to the achieving of new knowledge because by arguing it out a point, there is an opportunity of integrating ideas and hence conclusions arrived at being useful in the learning process. Since it is a discussing process which can generate more new knowledge it should be encouraged in learning institutions, therefore the strategies that can be applied to encourage team work in schools is that the management should ensure that courses should be introduced that only requires discussions as a method of learning where participants will be required to compile the outcome of their discussions.Teachers should constantly utilize the discussion approach especially on contemporary issues which require further research (Gardner and Jerome, 2001). The use of this approach should be encouraged in trainin g, primary, secondary, adult, and in the higher learning of institutions such as the universities because it provides an opportunity to argue or oppose certain subject which is an issue which can lead to generation of new ideas.However, it should strongly be recommended to adult, training and in the university institutions because with such knowledge the learners can utilize in the working environment when they are employed. In the primary level those who are in upper classes can be introduced to debates so that they are familiar with the approach and also get to know that constructive debate about an issue is not bad but can lead to gaining of new knowledge (Bruner, 1960).The only limitation exist in this strategy is that, there is a tendency of laziness and time wastage since students are left to choose on what topics to discuss on at their own time and may request their instructor to present their findings at their own convenient time, that is, when they feel that they have fully exhausted the topic to discuss on. Small group discussions are regarded as the best strategy to learning and it is said to be democratic since it gives freedom to the learners and the teachers.Through which they are given an opportunity to organize themselves in groups that everyone that allow individuals to raise different opinions relating to the particular issue under discussion without any restrictions. Under this strategy everyone is entitled to give contributions is given an opportunity to air his/her opinions without victimization or favors. Further the aspect of freedom of scheduling the activities by the students and the presence of good environment makes discussions more democratic and interesting (Print, 1993).Interactive Method of Teaching Interactive teaching is one whereby learners are provided with an interactive environment where they can express their views, opinions, suggestions and have an opportunity to support their arguments. It involves both the teacher and t he learner where the teacher comes up with the topic to be discussed which is open to any form of criticisms or additions to the main point. This interactive teaching method can be utilized whereby there is a big number of audience or learners expected to gain from the knowledge being passed.This method is found to be effective only if active methods of learning are introduced. The aspect of interactive learning should be incorporated in order to avoid boredom and tiredness among the participants. It should not only be done through talking by the speaker but also the use of boards and lecturers being open discussions should be considered (Print, 1993). The time of interacting should be revised as often as it is allocated a lengthy time frame which has been the main reason behind boredom and tiredness among the partners.Good communication skills by the teachers should be encouraged in order to pass clearly the intended messages to the learners which lead to solving the most common pr oblem of ambiguity, that is, to enhance passage of clear messages to the listeners or the participants. It is also advisable that lecturing should be encouraged if the topics to be covered are easy and to understand and also interesting to the learners and thus making them more attentive because there will be no boredom and tiredness during the session or lesson and hence gaining knowledge (Karl, 1997).The interactive teaching method is found to be prescriptive because it does not give the learner an opportunity to air their views or make suggestions. Usually it gives the teacher or the instructor an opportunity to decide for the students thus being prone to being an effective approach. It is a rigid way since it does not provide an opportunity to participants to make any suggestions concerning the subject matter thus there limited generation of new ideas.The students normally have to follow the set course outline and they are not open to criticize anything even if they are unsatisf ied thus rendering this approach to be narrow in terms of the output expected. The lecturer has to come up with what is required and to be covered in the cause and this depends mostly on his professionalism in relation to his duties. For example the topics to be covered during the lecture might be formulated in such a way that some important topics are left out may be because the lecturer may not be conversant with the topics (Gardner and Jerome, 2001).The use of interactive whiteboards should be encouraged. Recent studies have looked at how interactive whiteboards influences learning and teaching processes in schools. It suggests that whiteboards offer visual display that go in line with the explanations offered by the teacher thus helps students to understand better. It further outlines that the use of technologies in methods like debate and lectures can act as a motivational effect especially when used at the primary school level.For this interactive teaching method to prosper, w e find that many schools are found to be using the Information and Communication Technology which refers to technologies used to collect, store, edit and pass on information in various forms these ICT technologies that are utilized include; Interactive whiteboard, Videoconferencing, PowerPoint research presentation, and Internet use. For example during class lessons, the teacher can use the laptops in presentation when explaining an issue to the students (Bruner, 1960).Another technique that can be utilized in the interactive method of teaching is the radio broadcasts which are regarded as day to day learning procedures in many learning institutions most radio programs are said to be like lectures because they usually educate the public and the students. Sometimes the conversions are open to callers who make their suggestions thus coming up with different opinions. Recent studies have looked at how interactive whiteboards influences learning and teaching processes in schools.It sugg ests that whiteboards offer visual display that go in line with the explanations offered by the teacher thus helps students to understand better. It further outlines that the use of technologies in methods like debate and lectures can act as a motivational effect especially when used at the primary school level. (Print, 1993) Creative Thinking Creative thinking is defined as the process of thinking that enables the mind of an individual to improve its ability of being creative, this in simple terms means that it is a process bringing in new and different ideas from the existing ones.Research indicates that there are different types of creative thinking examples of the creative thinking are; the expressive creativity this type of thinking is believed to be occurring most often in children which is presented by children through their drawing and playing, the productive creativity this is the type of thinking which is practiced by many scientists since it involves the process of a cont inuous production that is characterized by the urge of creating but not expressing, the other type of a creative thinking is that of an inventive creativity thinking which is always geared towards solving and improving the technology in question. Research indicates that this creative thinking is always characterized by its ability to be nurtured and changed by an individual (Ennis, 1991). Research indicates that those individuals using the creative way of thinking actually indulge in the making of instinctive approaches to the existing solutions depending on the insights and perception surrounding the situation.Here we find that in the process of taking information through individuals’ senses, the brain therefore functions in the following process that is after the information is gathered the brain is enabled to reach a decision through the process of thinking or even feeling, and in normal cases these decisions are therefore allowed to through the judgment process under whic h is found to be relating to the brains approaches towards the global externally thus the brain is found to be dealing with the judgment on how individuals handle their daily activities, therefore an individual using the right side of the brain are said to be preferring situations to be put in an orderly and an organized manner including the factor of neatness and a good establishment before reaching a conclusion (Tama,1989). The people using the creative thinking are therefore divided in two that is the perceivers and the judgers. Under this grouping the judgers are said to first of all come up with a plan which will enable a number of things to be done before getting a solution thus the brain allows them to get ready by making sure that their work is done in advance, thus bringing in the idea of them preferring their solutions to be prepared, worked upon and brought to a solution with a particular plan to move on at a later time (Bruner, 1996).The other types of individuals using the creative thinking are the perceivers who are believed to be having an affinity of postponing decisions with the progress of seeking for different options by actually dealing with socializing with other people, listening to others, farming among other activities, this indicates that they usually proceed unexpectedly, the brain makes them not to plan for their solutions in advance and they usually do their obligations at the last minute (Gardner and Jerome,2001). Therefore in this case we find that when many people are found to be more concentrated with either the creative or the critical thinking of the brain in the process of dealing with facts and logic when solving a situation. The majority of the individuals do not understand the problems that always go hand in hand with the elements of social knowledge. Under their expectations and achievements, those applying the use of both types of thinking, usually plan more as compared to what they would actually achieve in actual terms . Future possibilities in them are easily connected with the feelings of the persons affected.Compared to the individuals using a single type of thinking, who are less genuine in interest and exceptional awareness in their day to day activities; they are special in giving in to the interest their personal experiences, thus they fail to have a strong need for intimate relationships which are usually needed for close interrelations in the society, thus failing in the solving of particular problems (Beyer, 1987). The best example of a creative thinking is the personal experience is the relationship I had between me and my students in a classroom, whereby as a teacher I had a role to motivate a creative thinking to my student, in this case we find that I used a method referred to as a Comprehensive Assessment Test which is an average assessment for students whose outcome represents the position of a particular student in relation to their capability of achieving a learning standard that is always expected by others.Being a teacher I was given the opportunity of enabling my student to undertake the assessment in a number of activities which features the knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation practiced on her by me, I utilized the following procedures to make her exercise successful (Tama,1989). Benchmarks- under this research indicates that it always involve the setting up of the students ability of creative thinking and solving problems, here I provided the student with a reading test, whereby I ensured that the student was served with the mandate of analyzing, understanding and assessing the information provided to her and then follow the measures required to carry out the exercise. In this test the students’ creative thinking surpasses the essential comprehension of many test questions I gave the student (Bruner, 1960).In this case the student was also put in the practice of reading passages which allowed her to be able to create meaning from the number of texts she read, the passages were always provided in two forms, one consisting of two to three literary passages such as short stories, poems, historical fiction among others, while the second one carries four to five informational passages such as texts derived from magazines, diaries and newspaper articles Among others (Anderson, 1990) Multiple Choices- this is another method that I the teacher applied in the students’ learning to motivate a creative thinking to her; in this case, I gave her a question and four choices of answers, where she was recommended to choose the most excellent answer for the available question.Short Response Task- here, I provided the student with a number of questions with a space of eight lines below the question requiring her to write their answers in a duration of five minutes, this particular response carries two points scoring rubric, whereby, the I ensured that the student applies the read, think and expla in concept in answering the questions thus the student was needed to be creative in answering the questions provided to her (Karl, 1997). Extended Response Task- This involved a question with a symbol carrying fourteen lines just next to the question which allowed the student to give a longer written answer; here I gave the student more time, at least ten minutes to answer the provided questions, these responses always carry four point scores. This method is usually designed with an objective of improving the students understanding abilities (Anderson, 1990). To apply all these methods of creative thinking in my students’ learning I actually needed her to use her critical thinking in order to succeed in answering the questions I provided to her. ConclusionIn order to yield good teaching results in my profession I therefore choose the above techniques of teaching methods which is the small group discussions, the interactive and creative thinking teaching methods as the appropr iate strategies for teaching as compared to the other teaching methods which are stated to be the complex methods of teaching, like the constructivism teaching should be discouraged since it is stated to be one of the most complex method of teaching by any teacher, in this case we find that it is actually passive and involves the teacher take the major part of participation such as organizing the information that is to be conveyed to the students in a manner that will enhance their understanding on the particular topic, we also find that in this method there is no room for the students to offer their views on the subject being discussed, it is regarded as the most inefficient mode of teaching and has contributed mostly to deterioration of education standards around the world (Print, 1993). Reference: Anderson, G. (1990) Teaching Creativity for Professional Growth and Personal Reward. NACTA Journal; 34 (4) pp 53-56. Beyer, B (1987) Practical Strategies for the Teaching of Thinking, B oston MA, Allyn &Bacon Inc Bruner, J. (1996) the Culture of Education- Cambridge, Mass- Harvard University PressBruner, J (1960) the Process of Education- Cambridge, Mass- Harvard University Press Ennis, R. (1991). Critical Thinking; a Streamlined Conception, Teaching Philosophy 14 (1), 6-20 Gardner, H. , Jerome B (2001) Modern Thinkers on Education from Piaget to the present, in J, Palmer 50 edition London: Routledge Karl, A. (1997): Children-Schools & Inequality- Boulder, Co Westview Tama, C (1989) Critical Thinking has a Place in Every Classroom. Journal of Reading, 30, 63-66. Parkerson, D (2001): Transitions in American Education, a Social History of Teaching Routledge; Vol. 242 pp. 14-19 Print, M. (1993) Curriculum development & design second edition St Leonards Allen & Unwin Publishing

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Similarities In Cognitive Development Education Essay

Cognitive development is defined as the countries of neuroscience and psychological science surveies, concentrating on stripling development with particular concentrating on information processing, linguistic communication acquisition, conceptual resources, perceptual accomplishment, and encephalon development. Jean Piaget and Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky were two innovators in the field of cognitive development. With this essay I will compare and contrast each theoretician ‘s positions on the nature or development of intelligence. I shall besides compare their positions on the phases of development from birth through adolescence. And eventually I will integrate possible schoolroom applications of each theoretician ‘s positions. Piaget believed that all kids are born with a inclination to interact with and do sense of their environment and that they need small instructor intercession. He referred to the basic ways of forming and treating information as cognitive constructions. He defined the mental forms that guide behavior as strategies, and he theorized that we use strategies to happen out approximately and interact with the universe around us. Piaget ‘s theory consisted of stairss in the development of new strategies of cognitive development referred to as version of seting strategies in response to a new object being introduced in our environment. The first measure in version if called assimilation, or seeking to understand the new object or event in our environment from known strategy, and if the new object does non suit into an bing strategy, the person will travel into adjustment where they modify an bing strategy to suit the new state of affairs. Finally the individual will make an apprehension of the new object, this procedure of reconstructing a balance between current strategies and the integrating of the new strategies is known as equilibration. Piaget theory of rational development is a constructivism position, where persons build systems of understanding through their experiences and interaction with in their environment, proposing that development came before acquisition, that specific cognitive constructions need to be developed before certain types of acquisition can take topographic point. Like Piaget, Lev Vygotsky believed that cognitive development takes topographic point in stairss that are the same for all persons. Vygotsky theorized the first measure in rational development is larning that action and sounds have intending. Second, that measure in cognitive development was practising the new action or sound. And eventually, utilizing the actions and sounds to believe and work out jobs without the aid of others, referred to by Vygotsky as self-regulation.Differences in Cognitive DevelopmentWhile Piaget believed that rational development was extremely personal, and that persons learned from experiences instead than the instruction of constructs and idea procedures, Vygotsky believed that larning development was a societal procedure straight linked to the instruction of information, and that larning proceeded development. Vygotsky theorized that linguistic communication was the key to cognitive development, and acquisition was influenced by the civilization of the per son. He believed that a kid foremost incorporated the address on others into their personal cognition and patterns it, known as private address, and subsequently they used this â€Å" private address † in attempts to work out undertakings. Vygotsky redefined this theory into what we now know as The Zone of Proximal Development. ( ZDP ) defines rational development as the ability to utilize thought to command our ain actions, but first we must get the hang cultural communicating systems, and so utilize these to systems to modulate our idea processes. Children larning with in the ( ZPD ) work on undertakings that they could non finish entirely, but were able to complete with the aid of and competent teacher. These docile minutes demonstrate Vygotsky theory that larning proceeded development, and that concerted acquisition promotes advance larning. His theory defined linguistic communication as a manner to go through on cultural values and that learning linguistic communication was the medium needed to develop cognitive idea procedures.Similarities of the Stages of DevelopmentBoth Piaget and Vygotsky were stage theoretician, intending they both believe that development takes topographic point in discernible phases. Piaget ‘s theory was that development took topographic point in four phases. -The first phase for Piaget ‘s theory was the sensorimotor phase ( from birth – age 2 ) where the kid explores the universe utilizing their 5 senses and motor accomplishments. Children are born with what is described as automatic motor accomplishments, suction, appreciation, ECT. During early development, the kid uses these accomplishments to pull strings the universe and develops strategies from these experiences in a patterned advance toward purposive behaviour approaching the terminal of this phase of development. -Piaget ‘s 2nd phase is Preoperational phase ( 2yrs-7yrs ) He believed that kids in this phase of development would n't hold mastered the ability of more complex mental operations ; kids do non hold the ability to ground through their actions. They are considered egoistic, and presume others agree with their points of position. During this phase kids lack preservation accomplishments ; they do non understand that the sum of something remains the same when the visual aspect has been rearranged. And they have non developed reversible thought or taking a job back to its get downing point. -Developmental phase three is the Concrete Operational Stage ( 7-11 ) In this phase the kid is get downing to accomplish comprehension of abstract constructs. The kid is get downing to understand preservation, position and contrary thought. The kid is capable of systematic ordination and able to group objects consequently. The kid is get downing to multitask in their idea procedures. -And Finally, The Formal Operational phase Age ( 11 to early-adult ) By this phase the individual has accomplished abstract think procedures. They have developed conjectural and deductive logical thinking. They have the ability to conceive of state of affairss and ground best solution rules. They are now capable of meta-cognition or able to believe about thought. Vygotsky ‘s phase theory of development was known as Scaffolding. In Scaffolding, First a wise man starts with supplying the kid with a high degree of support, such as one-on-one direction, leting the kid clip to develop an apprehension of the constructs being presented. Next the wise man starts to scale back the support leting the kid to take on more of the duty of the undertaking. And eventually, when the kid understands the aim of the undertaking the wise man stairss aside leting the kid to execute the undertaking on their ain, showing the comprehension of the cognition set gained.Differences in Stages of DevelopmentPiaget ‘s theory of the phases of development, focal point on development is necessary before larning can take topographic point, and that interaction with one ‘s environment is more of import to development than mentored direction. This position is really age oriented and ridged in its lineation and expatiations of kid development. Where Vygotsky vie ws acquisition as the processor to development. That linguistic communication, civilization and mentoring are all of import facets of the acquisition procedure that will assist the single develop successfully.Similarities in Classroom ApplicationPiaget ‘s and Vygotsky theories have similar applications for the schoolroom scene ; first Piaget wants the teacher must concentrate on the procedure of kid believing seeking to understand how the kid can up with the reply, and non merely the merchandise or solution to the job, deemphasize patterns aimed at doing kids make grownup like determinations, and have the teacher acknowledge the differences in single developmental advancement. Vygotsky ‘s theory in a similar manner, topographic points accent on the kid ‘s thought procedure, with the teacher understanding the kids ‘s single developmental advancement. As a instructor I can utilize these theories to develop category room techniques that focus on the pupils as pe rsons, and I ‘ll seek to understand their degree of development so that I do non coerce the pupil to run into criterions that are non sensible given their province of apprehension and cognitive development.Differences In schoolroom ApplicationPiaget ‘s theory wants the teacher to promote the pupil ‘s into self-initiation and active acquisition activities which take the accent away structured cognition and encourages the pupil to research and construct on current degrees on cognitive cognition. This differs from Vygotsky theory, which advises the instructor to supply planned activities, and promote pupils to take part in planned group activities, which encourage them to larn in construction environments which encourage high degrees of mentored direction. With an option of the two theories, I think I ‘ll lodge to a more Vygotsky signifier of lesson planning. I believe that pupils can make good with manus on actives, yet I believe that if the Instructor does non supply the pupil with construction the pupils do non develop at a rate that allow them to command themselves in a schoolroom scene, and that construction gives the pupil counsel and sets outlooks for the pupils, that give the pupils ends to endeavor for.

Monday, July 29, 2019

River running history of the Colorado River Research Paper

River running history of the Colorado River - Research Paper Example This paper explores the history of Colorado River. Colorado River cruises through Grand Canyon where it changes its direction due to the physical features that exist in its course. The depth of canyon along the river varies and the width as a range of 10 to 18 miles. The river has curved through the earth geology for more than 6 million years. The water of the river has won the layers of limestone, granite, sandstone and shale among other layers. Colorado River has two major districts, the lower basin that comprises of Arizona, Nevada and California, and the upper basin that comprises Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah. The sources of the river are in Colorado and Wyoming and it flows to the Gulf of California. The river serves as a historic and prehistoric feature in the west. Colorado River that flows through Utah towards southwest direction has two tributaries San Juan and Green. During the prehistoric period, the river served as a boundary to the Anasazi population who lived on the south and eastern part of the river and the Fremont population who lived on the north and the west of the river. History records that river Colorado has been a source of water and livelihood for the natives of the Grand Canyon for over 12,000 years. The natives used the river water for agriculture and domestic use. Communities such as Havasupai, Hualapai, Hopi, Paiute, Yavapai-Apache, Navajo, and Zuni had a great influence in dictating the use of the river water (Marston & Farquhar 102). One third of water allotment right lies on the hands of over 20 Indian tribes who live and control over 717,000 acres land along the river. These tribes are under the burner of Intertribal Council of Arizona. In 1850s and 1860s, Navajo tribe raided other communities who lived along the river. The control and protection of the river was very important for these communities because they performed their

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Safety Operations Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Safety Operations Plan - Essay Example Our mission statement is "Your Safety is our First Priority. Certain principles form the core expectations of the Georgetown ATV company. The employees are expected to adhere to these principles to uphold quality standards provided by the company. These principles include: The overall aspiration for the company is to ensure safety for the customers while on the track and to get value for their money. Safety for all customers will encompass orientation on the track, checking gear and re-training our staff to maintain the international standards set for this sport. This will ensure that the customer is learning and having fun at the same time. The young will be trained on how to command a vehicle at an early age. The company’s target audience is young people between the 15 to 30 years of age. The company is hoping to nurture young talent in the sport. Our hope is that some of the riders could turn professional as we have qualified, experienced trainers and a state of the art equipment to realize this. However, it is paramount that safety is ensured at this stage. Therefore, our objectives will center on ensuring that the riders respect the rules and regulations set by the Georgetown AVG company. The core objectives will be: The company foresees the customer market for the ATV or off-road industry growing significantly in the coming years. Previously, this sport was for experts, but ordinary people are warming up to it because of the thrill and great discipline it nurtures .Many are new to the sport and therefore the Georgetown ATV company hopes to embrace the aspiring talent and lead them to greater heights as far as racing is concerned. Having trained these young generations of riders, the company hopes to sign them on in deals that will provide opportunities to compete with others in this sport. Therefore, in order for the company to gauge its success we will have in house tournaments and meets with other companies. The races should record no to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Teenage Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Teenage Suicide - Essay Example Suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth and adolescents ages 15-24 years old, indicating that all youth are at great risk for suicide (American Association of Suicidology 1). Suicide is now the fourth leading cause of death for youth between the ages of 10-14 (Crosby 2). Suicide can affect all youth regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic status; however, there have been rapid increases within specific ethnic groups. In order to address this issue among our high school age students, it is important to analyze who is at greatest risk, to identify risk factors, and to identify potential protective factors. Additionally, suicide prevention and early intervention programs implemented in schools should be assessed regarding their effectiveness. What is not effective should be modified accordingly. Ethnic Differences European American, African American, Hispanic, and Native American youth are all affected by suicide. Suicide among our youth is most prevalent for white males (Crosby, 5). According to the Centers for Disease Control, 73% of all suicides involving adults are white males. However, in the last two decades, among African American male youth ages 10-14, suicide rates have tripled and for ages 15-19 the suicide rate has doubled (Capuzzi 38). Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control has- identified that the Hispanic youth suicide rate is increasing. Furthermore, their rates of suicide ideation and attempts are increasing at staggering numbers (O'Donnell et al., 39-40). Native American youth also have history of a high rate of suicide attempts (Capuzzi, 38). Although the European American population has always represented the highest proportion of suicides among all ethnic groups, it is important to view all of our youth, regardless of ethnicity, as at-risk, considering the recent changes in suicide statistics in the last decade. Different factors contribute to the reasons for suicide attempts for each ethnic group. This needs to be conside red when creating an effective youth suicide prevention and early intervention program. Currently, European American youth are the primary recipients of crisis intervention dealing with suicide in contrast with their Hispanic peers who are least likely to receive interventions (Kataoka, Stein, Leiberman, & Wong, 1444). This may be influencing the increases in suicide attempts and completions among this demographic group. Risk Factors for Suicide There has not been a specific profile created to early identify all youth at risk for suicide ideation or suicide attempts. The literature does suggest, however, that there are some common identifying characteristics to consider, although alone they are not indicators. Some common characteristics of youth may warrant the attention of adults to better evaluate these students for suicide ideation. Since suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States, it is key to train the community to identify those at risk. Stressors youth are dealing with may be the trigger for suicide attempts, which are often impulsive responses by youth to escape their problems (Crosby 2). The impulsivity of the act further indicates the need for early intervention among youth dealing with dramatic or life-impacting circumstances. Research has noted some behaviors that may be exhibited by a youth who has suicide ideation. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, the lack of concern for personal welfare, social changes, decline in school performance, including attendance patterns, change in eating and sleeping habits, a new preoccupation with violence and death, increased sexually promiscuity, and other risky behaviors, including substance use (Capuzzi, 40; Guo & Harstall, 11-15). Not all

Ethics of Solar Laboratory,Hydro Power Laboratory and Wind Power Assignment

Ethics of Solar Laboratory,Hydro Power Laboratory and Wind Power Laboratory - Assignment Example In this regard, the general public and other concerned stakeholders are on a high alert on issues ascribed to ethic on the energy production sector. This discussion will focus on the three forms of energy generation, basically explicating ethical considerations on their production. In as much as there are few ethical issues raised in the field of solar energy production, one of the most evident ethical concerns in this field since the early 1990’s is the cost of production. According to the National Academy of Engineering, production of solar energy is relatively higher, especially when produced on a large scale (Durant, 2012). The high cost of production of this form of energy arises from the fact that the materials used to manufacture solar panels are quite expensive for instance: The National Academy of Engineering noted that most solar panels are manufactured using silicon as a photovoltaic material; silicon is quite expensive thus creating the need for another cheaper alternative photovoltaic material. In this regard, the Academy proposed a number of ways: The first strategy to lower the cost of solar energy generation is to use Cadmium Telluride as a photovoltaic material; this material is relatively cheaper than silicon (Durant, 2012). Moreover, the production of solar energy could also be made cheaper through encouraging mass production of solar energy. The other ethical issue ascribed to the production of solar energy is its impact of environment; environmentalists have asserted that solar energy is one of the best sources renewable energy owing to the fact that it does not pose any environmental threat that could affect nature and human life (Durant, 2012). Perhaps this is one of the reasons this kind of energy is currently gaining global recognition. There are various benefits associated with the use of wind power. One of these benefits is the fact that wind power is renewable and does not have significant negative impact on the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The importance of an enterprise resource planning system Essay

The importance of an enterprise resource planning system - Essay Example The three tier architecture of client server is exploited to a great extent by enterprise resource planning. For ERP systems other enabling technologies comprise of Workflow, Group Ware, Work Group, Data Warehousing, Electronic Data Interchange, Intranet, the Internet, etc. There are some important characteristics of ERP that has made this framework beneficial for all contemporary organizations as highlighted in figure 1. Firstly, the flexibility of ERP in terms of responding to any form of organizational changes. The technology of client server supports ERP to access a wide array of database ends. An ERP framework demands an open system architecture. This indicates that any module can be detached as and when required without causing an impact on other modules. ERP system is comprehensive by nature since it needs to support various functions. This system is not just confined to the organizational boundary and needs to deliver best business practices. The major areas benefitting throu gh these systems are inventory management, procurement or supplier management, financial management, customer flexibility or responsiveness and personnel management. In the overall context, ERP provides multi-facility, multi-platform, multi-mode manufacturing, multilingual and multi-currency facilities. ERP also helps to reduce information gap existing between organizations. Business benefits from ERP with examples ERP systems are able to provide a competitive advantage to all organizations in terms of increasing business performance.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Talk about genre and style, and dramatic action of the play Vanya and Essay

Talk about genre and style, and dramatic action of the play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike - Essay Example As the story progresses through Vanya and Sonia first start out all fine with each other, but immediately afterwards Sonia got angry at Vanya and started to argue with him because of the coffee which he made. From this conflict of two old people fighting over something so minor, we can see that this is the start of the dramatic action. We see more of this as the Play progresses through, when their sister comes and visits them in their farmhouse we can see how much is tries to rub her success, as an actress, in Sonia’s face. Here we can see that jealousy is present in Sonia. Her character seems to feel that her life has been considerably boring and she doesn’t seem to happy about it, While her sister Masha has traveled all around the world and ended up with fame and success. Also to add on to Masha’s rubbing her success of Sonia, she brought a young man named spike to the join her visit to the farmhouse (Durang, 50). The fact that an old lady would date someone younger and intentional bring him home to her family members seems like an intentional showing off, implying that Masha maybe old but she is still wanted by young men. The arrival of Nina, a young and beautiful aspiring actress who is a neighbor to the siblings stirs up another dramatic action in the play. Nina is everything that both sisters want but do not have. Masha is more envious of her because she wants to be like her again. Spike also has some lustful feelings for Nina. Another dramatic action is evident when spike, a handsome, young man with a well built toned body shows off to Vanya. Vanya is an old gay man who has not lived his life to the fullest and is being teased by spike who seizes every opportunity to strip down and show off his muscles (Durang, 70). This is very bad for Vanya who has not even travelled anywhere but has lived all his life is the same house he was brought up in. Although Masha may think that she has herself a young man who

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Art in America - Abstract Expressionism Research Paper

Art in America - Abstract Expressionism - Research Paper Example The paper "Art in America - Abstract Expressionism" investigates the important style of American style, abstract expressionism. The movement was unregistered but strong. Some of its members included: Jackson Pollock (1912–1956), Willem de Kooning (1904–1997), Franz Kline (1910–1962), Lee Krasner (1908–1984), Robert Motherwell (1915–1991), William Baziotes (1912–1963), Mark Rothko (1903–1970), Barnett Newman (1905–1970), Adolph Gottlieb (1903–1974), Richard Pousette-Dart (1916–1992), Clyfford Still (1904–1980). All these members were committed to the audacious formal inventions in searching for significant substance. Their objective was to break away from normal subject matter and technical conventions. Their artistic works included head stoned scales works that were created to reflect their personal psyches. Doing this helped them to tap into worldwide inner sources. These artists attributed a lot of importa nce to spontaneity and improvisation as process accorded the highest significance. Their works resisted stylistic classifications, but emphasised on dynamism and energetic gesture rather than reflective and cerebral focus on color. Abstracts acted primarily as their imageries. Highly abstracted modern art was favored by the group even when depicting images founded on visual realities. Abstract expressionism is not a specific style within abstract art, but an American group or artists rebelled and formed an independent group which would give them a favorable environment.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why should we stay in Afghanistan Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why should we stay in Afghanistan - Thesis Example orted the Taliban against Soviet Union to make this world uni-polar and now with China threatening to become a super power, staying back would mean US will have more control over the region. Furthermore, Pakistan blames US involvement for the unrest in its country and China supports Pakistan’s claims and wants US to go. Whereas, India pressures NATO forces to remain in Afghanistan, to keep Pakistan engaged at the western border leaving its side to lesser happenings (Bosco, 2012). Considering Osama Bin Ladin was present in Pakistan, and was killed by American Marines in a covert operation in Abbotabad raises questions on its â€Å"ally† status with US against the war on terrorism, as it failed to provide the intel on bin Ladin. Furthermore, President Karzai’s government is incompetent and very corrupt, with an inefficient army that is unable to preserve a secure Afghanistan (Bosco, 2012). If America leaves Afghanistan in this state, there will be political unrest in the country, giving rise to a Taliban insurgency once again. This will bring back same political and security conditions before US hit Afghanistan, and will fail to accomplish what they had aimed, a safer world free of Al-Qaeda. Then there is a threat that if US were to leave Afghanistan abruptly, the resulting Taliban government will commence a mass murder, like the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam (Woodward, 2011). It is feared that the number of civilians slaughtered by the Talibans would exceed the â€Å"killings of 2 million Cambodian civilians by Cambodia’s uncontrolled communist potentate, Pol Pot† (Austin Bay, Express-News columnist, 2012). The primary argument in favour of leaving Afghanistan is that the US got involved with Afghanistan for two purposes. Drive Taliban out of Afghanistan and end the imposing threat to world peace; secondly, dissipate Al-Qaeda networks and end terrorist threats and attacks on America. They have succeeded in achieving both (Bandow, 2012). Secondly, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy and Theology. Essay Example for Free

Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy and Theology. Essay Paul Ricoeur was born to a devout Protestant family and grew up with his aunt since he was two years of age. Because his mother died and his father was killed during the World War I, he grew up as an orphan in a small remuneration afforded to him by the government as a war orphan. He was a bookish and an exceptional student during his time; his family’s influence brought him up with Protestant faith. He studied philosophy at Sourbonne and got influence from Gabriel Marcel. During World War I, he served the French army in 1939, became prisoner of war in Germany for five years. During his stay at the camp, he met other intellectuals like Mikel Dufrenne and read a lot about Karl Jaspers who was to have a great influence on him. After the war, he continued his studies and in 1950, he received his doctorate degree. He was given opportunity to work as the Chair of General Philosophy in his alma mater in 1956; from there he began his work as a prolific writer sharing his philosophy and theology. Throughout his life, he was known and respected as one of the most impressive philosophers of the 20th century. Every event in his life has contributed to what he believed in. His Christian belief was influenced by his family; his philosophical view was influences of people he met, he talk, and read. He is a well-known Christian philosopher yet, his writings were appreciated by both non-Christian and Christian. Paul’s Ricoeur’s Philosophy Ricoeur’s philosophical is central to the meaning of life and self. Recoeur’s philosophy is based on the two questions about the self. These questions answers are about the identity of the self and how should it live. Recoeur viewed self hood as inter-subjective capacity for agency and self self-ascription, and anybody can acquire. It means that self as an agency, and self-ascription. However, in his exploration of the issue, he discussed the philosophical thinking in five aspects namely: hermeneutic philosophy, post-Hegelian-Kantian methodology, narrative theory, philosophy of the self, and a moral-political philosophy. Hermeneutics is defined as a system through which a certain belief is interpreted using a specific theory and method for interpretation. Paul’s hermeneutics philosophy according to Paul Ricceur and Richard Keamey is of twofold source of reflection: the hermeneutics of testimony and the hermeneutics of the self. In their explanation, Paul had come up with a thesis, which concludes that testimony must give something to be interpreted as in history, and this testimony will be the object of interpretation. The hermeneutics of self on the other hand pertains to the role in which attestation has to play. David Kaplan in his article explained that hermeneutics for Ricoeur is interpretation of knowledge through its signs, symbols, and texts; it is interpretation of human works and actions. The Post-Hegelian Kantian philosophy on the other hand, is mediation for Ricoeur in such a way that it is combining two different views. Ricoeur accepted Kant’s claim that ideas of morality and history is understandable, and that it has universal validity because of its theoretical and practical reasons. Hegel on the other hand, viewed evil in the world as the â€Å"cunning of reason† as helpful for man in realizing a reality. Thus, post-Hegelian Kantian means that expectation is a hope for a humanity belonging to a history, which as a whole is a collective singular. This vision of history is the foundation of ethics and laws in Kant. This implies that Ricoeur acknowledges the concept of totality as long as its scope of reflection is limited to universal rationality (or history). He is actually recognizing that any differences could be regarded as related as in plurality of voices (or idea) yet, reasons behind could be recognized when philosophy tries to find it. Ricoeur’s thesis in Time and Narrative presents that human experience and narration exist. Through hermeneutics, one can easily interpret human experience because it has narration or plot. Narration theory therefore, is telling, writing, and understanding of fictional stories, as Kaplan explained. Narration or plot according to Wall, Schweiker and Hall is an integration of philosophy of action and philosophy of language into a synthesis. By means of this integration, a production of narration is come alive through voluntary and involuntary human actions, its symbolic language, and conflicts, which are to be interpreted through hermeneutics methods linking the time and history. The Philosophy of Self or Philosophy of subjectivity is an attempt anyone can do to elucidate the meaning of man’s existence. Ricceur and Kearney explicate Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of self into the sovereign self and the destructive self. The sovereign self according to them represents the idea in its meaning in the modern philosophy, which pervades modern culture and develops the self-image of people in the modern society. The deconstructive self on the other hand presents self as pure extensionless, consciousness, already established in being. Self therefore has the capability of combining knowledge, and it is vulnerable for it seeks certainty and security. At this point, will and reason are very important to human for they are the instruments for self-preservation and self-advancement. Signs and symbols and human experience are essential for man to interpret the meaning of their existence. Moral Philosophy for Ricoeur emphasizes that human being is capable of affirming the limits of one’s own moral perspective and embracing God’s critical transformative power. Being a Bible believer, he believed that everyone has moral responsibility, which accounts directly to moral value. Wall Schweiker and Hall noted that these moral values could be deeply explored from distinctive theological and hermeneutical perspective as what Ricoeur tried to point out. The issue of moral thought or moral responsibility in the study of Ricoeur’s philosophy offers important remedy to present ethical situations or problems. Moral ethics is an expression of human capability though fallible man yet has the ability to embody moral values through the power of God by simply being humble enough to acknowledge weaknesses. Paul Ricoeur’s Theology According to Julisn F. Woods, Paul Recoeur approaches theology by asking questions such as: â€Å"Where is freedom? Or does le coincide with the discovery and understanding of an inner necessity deeper than choice and kind of autonomy? In a word, does the highest degree of freedom consist in the surging up of an absolute power of choosing or in the love fate? † These questions prelude Ricoeur’s ethical approach and hermeneutical approach to theology. Recoeur consider theology and philosophy to be distinct in terms of their contents. He sees theology as hermeneutical, which provides cross-disciplinary, cross-traditional conversational quest for truth. Recoeur was particularly interested in Biblical exegeses and has written an essay in collaboration with other New Testament scholars. He adopted Boltmanian tradition engaging in historical criticism while also affirming the breadth of Biblical genres. In the essay entitled â€Å"Ethics and Considerations on the Golden Rule† Recoeur cited that Christian Ethics or communal ethics in religious perspectives, as he calls it, consist in the tension between unilateral love and bilateral justice, and in mutual interpretation of each of these in terms of the other. According to Mark Wallace, Recoeur’s religious thought that as one attempts to interpret the Bible, it actually begins with the risk of understanding biblical language including symbols and signs. Recoeur himself stated that interpretation of the Bible should be in accordance with testimonies of the witnesses particularly the Jewish community. He regarded that the Christian message is meaningful and is worthy of consideration, and that examining it will it self very fully. For Ricoeur, the God of the Bible cannot be theoretically proven as a staple of reason or as a fact alongside other facts in our empirical experience. He believes that Gods existence cannot be proven by any natural theology that necessitates thought or the knowledge of empirical objects. Wallace pointed out that Recoeur relies on signs, not on proofs in interpretation of the language. Recoeur believed that pertaining to scripture language it relies on the signs and traces of a reality testified to at the horizon of philosophical reflection that demands to be interpreted and understood. In the argument of language interpretations, Ricoeur balances it against the possibility of error in the testimony of the witnessing community and regard it a risk that would result in false testimony. Wallace noted that the risk must be taken because the stakes are so high. Therefore, Ricoeur believed in the truthfulness of the Bible being the ultimate source of God’s words. Interpretation of it should undergo hermeneutical approach based on history by knowing underlying concepts suggested in symbols, signs and text. For Ricoeur, the stakes is the possibility of Biblical language being a faithful trace of God’s presence in the Jewish and Christian communities. He believed that the knowledge of the absolute is never given in an absolute sense but only relative to the contingent and fallible signs that the divine life gives of itself in its generosity. Ricoeur agreed that religion deals with man’s ultimate concern and that the New Testament calls to be Christ like, is the counterpart of the mandated self of the Hebrew Bible.

Effective Human Resources Leadership for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Essay Example for Free

Effective Human Resources Leadership for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Essay Management Style for Assisted Living and Nursing Home Facilities Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations The type of organization I chose to discuss is an independent the assisted living facility and nursing home. They both provide some of the same functions, although the name of the facility may be slightly different. While these are separate types of organizations now, in the future, they will blend due to the fact that the longer the clientele is a â€Å"resident† of the Assisted Living Facility (ALF), the more likely they will be in need of full-time nursing care. (NursingCenter). I chose this particular type of organization because it is one that I am interested in due to the fact that such a large portion of our population will be served by these organizations in the near future and for some time to come based on our aging population statistics. Forty-two percent of the population that lives until the age of seventy will spend time in a nursing home before they die. (Knickman). Residents, or patients, in those facilities will receive services from a variety of providers like physical and occupational therapists, medication management for mental and physical ailments and perhaps social service support services as they move toward the nursing home in lieu of assistance from family members when they have none to call for assistance. Because the environment is clinical and service oriented over longer periods of time, it is important to examine what kind(s) of management style is successful in order to manage the intensive daily clinical needs and the ongoing relationships that develop among the staff and residents. One report on the study of leadership styles suited for nursing homes and assisted living facilities reported that a consensus leadership style had a strong association with quality of care. (Castle). Models indicate that consensus leadership style is also the best approach in limiting staff turnover, which is essential in how the residents rate their satisfaction of service. (Donoghue). Consensus management style is not a majority vote. After management has  reached a decision, consensus approach seeks to determine if all the team members find it acceptable and if they are in support of the decision. In this management style we would ask what could be changed in order to obtain staff support. All members of the group should feel that their ideas and views were heard and that they heard the others in the group as well. The idea is that the team will support the management because decisions were arrived at fairly. (Mayoclinic). To meet all the demands of infection control, government regulations, service to the residents, clinicians, families and inherent risks associated with the geriatric population, management must not only be task oriented, but people-centered. Management must develop clear and effective strategic plans, but with a humanistic approach of consensus so that all the team members that serve the clientele are happy and effective. It is truly an environment where management must foster employee relations which will decrease risk, and improve patient satisfaction which should in turn also reduce marketing needs as each point of contact that the staff has with a family member is also an ambient sales opportunity. In order to meet the patient needs in such a high demand environment where a majority of the time the patient/customer is in contact with a lower educated, less clinical staff such as a certified nurse assistant making a low wage, that staff must have a voice to understand that they make a huge impact on the organization. When they feel valuable, the organization will run much more smoothly. My first job and customer training out of high school was working the front desk of a four star hotel. We were the lowest paid on the totem pole, but management and human resources through incentive programs and awards recognized our achievements and solicited our input of ideas at all times. WORKS CITED Castle, N., Decker, F. (2011), Top Management Leadership Style and Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnr064. Epub 2011 Jun 30. Donoghue C, Castle NG, (2009), Leadership Styles of Nursing Home Administrators and Their Association with Staff Turnover, doi: 10.1093/geront/gnp021. Epub 2009 Mar 27. Knickman JR, Snell EK, (2002), The 2030 problem: Caring for Aging Baby Boomers. Retrieved from Kreofsky, B., Vrtiska T., Rego S., Lewis T., Chihak A., Spurrier B., Larusso N., Farrugia G. (2011), Using Innovative Idea Management Tools in a Large Health Care Organization: Lessons Learned. Retrieved from Nursing Center. N.p. n.d. Web. 1 Sept 2013. Olson, Dana. (2007). Effective leadership in long term care: the need and the opportunity. Retrieved from /ACHCA_Leadership_Need_and_Opportunity_Paper_Dana-Olson.pdf

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Work Of Saul Bass Film Studies Essay

The Work Of Saul Bass Film Studies Essay Moving and animated sequence titles are common to us nowdays. When we go to the cinema, play DVD or watch a movie in TV, we always know that there will be some. But what we do not usually know is who stands behind this mini-genre. No doubt, the man who is responsible for invinting the opening credit sequences as a free-standing movie-before-a-movie (Thomas, 1996) is Saul Bass, an American graphic designer and director. This essay will decribe his life and his most important outputs. Saul Bass was born on eighth May in 1920. As a kid, he was growing up in Bronx in New York. (Thomas, 1996; Brown, 2002) After graduating from high school, he studied Graphic Art at Brooklin College. Afterwards, he left New York for Hollywood and moved to Los Angeles. (Nourmand, 2000; Thomas, 1996) Initially, he was producing print work for film ads. For instance he created posters The Moon is Blue or Love in the Afternoon. In 1954, Otto Preminger approched Saul Bass and asked him to create a poster for his movie Carmen Jones . Saul Bass designed the poster with a strinkingly simple flaming black and red rose. (Nourmand, 2000). Otto Preminger liked Bass s work so much and decided to collaborated with him on the title sequence as well. (Brown, 2002) This was an important moment of Saul Bass s career. He recognised that graphic design and film design are closely related. Movie s first moments are very important and they create identification for movies. Otto Preminger liked Bass s seque nce title and therefore, one year later (1995), he called him on again to create a visual identity for The Man with the Golden Arm which experienced a great success. (Lamster, 2000, 129) Working on this project, Saul Bass got an idea of the title sequence which would be moving. He created the famous jagged arm design, suggesting the jarring and disjoined existence of drug addict (Nourmand, 2000) Usually titles named only movie, artists, director etc. Suddendly, it turned into an animamated event. Afterwards, Bass said (Lamster, 2000, 130): there was a time when titles were very interesting, going back to the early 1930s or even the late 1920s. Then it bogged down and became bad lettering produced by firms that ground out titles. What I did was reinvent the whole notion of using a title to create a little atmosphere. The idea of titling movies through animation became a classic mini-genre (Thomas, 1996). It influenced many artists and Bass s film-within-a-film (Neef et al., 2006, 166) became very popular. Not only Otto Preminger saw Saul Bass s potencial, Alfred Hitchcock asked him to design stuff for his movies as well. (Nourmand, 2000) Titles for Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest (1959) and Psycho (1960) were all created by Saul Bass. (Kolner, 2004, 104; Thomas, 1996; Nourmand, 2000) Saul Bass s sequence titles spoke to the audience in a familiar language (Brown, 2002) Neverthless, it always reflected the true complexity of the movie and drew out the most important features of the other s work. (Woloski, 2005) In Vertigo, Bass summates Scorie Ferguson s descent into an obsessive hell with the austere and hypnotic image of a spiral (Woloski, 2005) and Bass s title sequence for Psycho was created by linear movement of the black-and-white, horizontal lines, the more phallic orientation of Psycho s particular brand of violence (Kolner, 2004, 108) In Bass s titles for Hitchcock, he presented the director as a star and as an attraction, which made the hidden presence of Hitchcock even more felt. (Neef et al, 2006, 173-174). Regarding Psycho, Saul Bass collaborated with Hitchcock as a directors as well. He drew some sketches for the Psycho s scenes (Kolner, 2004, 17-24). Moreover, Psycho s title music which was composed by Hermann was actually inspired by the Saul Bass s animation. (Tonks, 2001). Saul Bass s techniques were various. He employed visual imagery, hand-drawn type, pictographs, construction paper shapes, cotoun animation, montage, music and many others. Moreover, he used colors and movements precisely and very effectively (Taylor, 2005; Haskett, 2005, 64) With his title sequences which we can describe as a visual references, he developed a new part of the modern business and commercial world . (Brown, 2002) Therefore, he won sich a wide accleim that he was sometimes called the Picasso of commercial artists . (Thomas, 1996) Furthermore, Saul Bass worked also as a director. To his movies belong The Searching Eye (1964), From Here to There (1964), Grand Prix (1966) and probably the most popular one called Why Man Creates (1968) (Lamster; 2000, 134; Taylor, 2005). In 1968, the short movie Why Man Creates was awarded as a Oscar-winning short film. (Lamster, 2000, 134; Thomas, 1996) Besides creating design for movie and directing movies by his own, he was a very a famous graphic designer of logotypes. He devised trademarks and corporate identifications for firms such as ATT, United Airlines, Bell System, Minolta, Quker Oats, Warner Communications, General Food and many others (Haskett, 2005, 64; Thomas, 1996; Economist Books, 2003, 117). We can claim he was a corporate identities genius. His trademarks were extraordinary, clean, legible, readable and symbolic. In the 1960s he created logotyped for lot of the biggest American companies. (Nourmand, 2000) Regarding his personal life. He was married twice. First marriage ended by diverce. His second wife, Elaine Makatura was initially the first employee of his own studio (Thomas, 1996) This versatil and innovative graphic designer died at the age of 75 at Cedars-Sinai Medal Center in Los Angles. According to family, he died on non-Hodgkins lymphoma (Thomas, 1996; Taylor, 2005; Nourmand, 2000) Saul Bass s reputation as a designer of film is legendary. He has left his incredible signature on a number of pictures by Preminger, Hitchcock, Kurbick, Wyler among others. (Need, 2006, 166-168) We remeber his handwriting from title sequences for The Man with the Golden Arm , Psycho or for example from his Academy Award-winning short movie Why Man Creates. His output is so broad and large. He created many posters, title sequences, movies, visual identities, corporate logos etc. He brought a new innovative thinking and working to Hollywood. His innovation created an army of imitators, many of whom have carried his ideas beyond his original conception. (Thomas, 1996). Such was an impact of his work that his style became alsmost a clich of the mid-fifties through the sixties because of how often they were imitated. (Lamster, 2000, 133). In my opinion, the work of Saul Bass contributed to the modern art very significantly and left behind a great heritage not only for design but also for movies. His ideas and new style of creating posters and titles brought to the art industry a new broader dimension. He definitely influenced the contemporary art.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Graphic Design Essay -- Technology Communication Business Essays

Graphic Design Any paper you pick up was put together using graphic design. It is a very widely used art form incorporated into many different projects. The ultimate purpose is to communicate. The field takes a lot of knowledge to be able to produce a finished and printed product (Rogers, interview). Graphic design is an art that uses skill, information, and technology to communicate to the world. Graphic design, even though it may not have been called that, has evolved with technology. It always has been here to get our thoughts across, but they didn’t always use pictures and color. Graphic design started out as typography, letter writing, which quickly gained popularity. Carvings in wood blocks were used as stamps before Johan Guttenberg invented metal casting in AD 1450 (Kagy 27). The first poster made in 1472 used text to advertise a sale on a book in England. Letterpresses were then made. Even though presses were available, most communication was still verbal. The old technology using p rint presses didn’t start dominating the new art of advertising until the 1940s (Hurlburt 40). Designers then started to influence advertising. The balance began to shift from purely verbal concepts to image presentation. Then the letter types, typewriters, were made. Next came the photocopiers. Finally today we use computer publishing. Even though designers now use computers, they still need pen and markers to create some images. Felt-tip pens and colored markers replaced pencils and paints as a sketching medium. Technical pens have replaced ruling pens in finished artwork. The marker has not changed the idea of the line, but just made it more dominant. It gives the art a different tone in communicating. Throughout the change of technology, communication has also changed from Old English to our present grammar and slang. Though the language has changed, it is still an important transmission of ideas and information. Graphic design changed just as drastically as our language. It allows easier communication to be achieved between two parties. Individuals with dissimilar backgrounds still share communication with common experiences. Visual design permits individuals with different heritages to exchange ideas, information, and feelings (Knobler 30). From the first sign of communication, cave men, to commercials on television, visual images have communicated our ideas... ...the screen blocked with a stencil. When ink is put on the screen it is squeegeed through the screen into the open areas. Digital colors printing- the newest technology using a combination of lasers that make plates and offset printing. It is a shortly run, full color job that would be needed quickly. There are many more types of printing, but these should give a good idea of how much information is needed. This is only one aspect of the graphic design process, so there is more to learn in the field and more skill to pick up. Skill, technology, and an immense amount of information gives the designer their ability to communicate. Person to person was too slow for the world communication, so designers started using technology to get messages across oceans. It also got messages across the consumer’s brain. The skills of a graphic designer persuades the readers to purchase a product, go some place to try a product, use a service, vote for a politician, make a contribution, or e ven join the army. Graphic designers have to professionally display a campaign of persuasion, identity, and information to benefit both the company and consumer. Face it! We live in a communication-based world.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Portrayal of Eve in John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay -- Milton Paradi

Milton's Portrayal of Eve in Paradise Lost      Ã‚  Ã‚   The seventeenth century poet, John Milton, takes the attitude common to the time period while portraying Eve in Paradise Lost.   This epic, telling of Adam and Eve's fall from Paradise and the story of creation, constantly describes Eve as a weak individual, while Adam is often compared with God.   The idea of women's inferiority has been fixed through time, making Milton's characterization of Eve not surprising, but rather expected and accepted.   However, Milton shows a suggestion of women's inner strength while describing the control Eve has over Adam.   Nevertheless, except for this instance, Eve is depicted as subordinate to Adam.   This is evident through Adam and Raphael's treatment of Eve, her own actions, and Milton's description of her.    The first weakness Eve shows is her vanity.   Following her creation, she finds herself staring into a stagnant pool.   She tells Adam, " There I had fixed Mine eyes till now, and pined with vain desire" (IV 465-6).   From the beginning of Eve's life in Paradise, it was understood that she needed Adam to guide her.   During her first talk with him, she whimpers, "And from whom I was formed flesh of thy flesh, And without whom am to no end, my guide And head!" (IV 441-3).  Ã‚   Thus, she believes that only with Adam's guidance will she be able ... ...Elledge, Scott, ed. Paradise Lost: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism. New York: Norton, 1975. Fox, Robert C. "The Allegory of Sin and Death in Paradise Lost." Modern Language Quarterly 24 (1963): 354-64. Lewis, C. S. A Preface to Paradise Lost. Rpt. New York: Oxford UP, 1979. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. In John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. Indianapolis: 1980. O'Keeffe, Timothy J. "An Analogue to Milton's 'Sin' and More on the Tradition." Milton Quarterly 5 (1971): 74-77. Patrick, John M. "Milton, Phineas Fletcher, Spenser, and Ovid--Sin at Hell's Gates." Notes and Queries Sept. 1956: 384-86. Portrayal of Eve in John Milton's Paradise Lost Essay -- Milton Paradi Milton's Portrayal of Eve in Paradise Lost      Ã‚  Ã‚   The seventeenth century poet, John Milton, takes the attitude common to the time period while portraying Eve in Paradise Lost.   This epic, telling of Adam and Eve's fall from Paradise and the story of creation, constantly describes Eve as a weak individual, while Adam is often compared with God.   The idea of women's inferiority has been fixed through time, making Milton's characterization of Eve not surprising, but rather expected and accepted.   However, Milton shows a suggestion of women's inner strength while describing the control Eve has over Adam.   Nevertheless, except for this instance, Eve is depicted as subordinate to Adam.   This is evident through Adam and Raphael's treatment of Eve, her own actions, and Milton's description of her.    The first weakness Eve shows is her vanity.   Following her creation, she finds herself staring into a stagnant pool.   She tells Adam, " There I had fixed Mine eyes till now, and pined with vain desire" (IV 465-6).   From the beginning of Eve's life in Paradise, it was understood that she needed Adam to guide her.   During her first talk with him, she whimpers, "And from whom I was formed flesh of thy flesh, And without whom am to no end, my guide And head!" (IV 441-3).  Ã‚   Thus, she believes that only with Adam's guidance will she be able ... ...Elledge, Scott, ed. Paradise Lost: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism. New York: Norton, 1975. Fox, Robert C. "The Allegory of Sin and Death in Paradise Lost." Modern Language Quarterly 24 (1963): 354-64. Lewis, C. S. A Preface to Paradise Lost. Rpt. New York: Oxford UP, 1979. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. In John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. Indianapolis: 1980. O'Keeffe, Timothy J. "An Analogue to Milton's 'Sin' and More on the Tradition." Milton Quarterly 5 (1971): 74-77. Patrick, John M. "Milton, Phineas Fletcher, Spenser, and Ovid--Sin at Hell's Gates." Notes and Queries Sept. 1956: 384-86.

Confession Essay example -- Theology, Jesus, God

There are several assumptions with which I will begin prior to discussing my confession. The first assumption is that Jesus, who was crucified, is Lord and that God has raised him from the dead. A second assumption is that apart from the first assumption, any and all other aspects of my confession could be flawed or wrong. My beliefs about the nature of Scripture, God, Creation, Humanity and Sin, Jesus Christ, Salvation, Holy Spirit, and the Church, though related to the centrality of the gospel, the gospel in itself is not contingent upon many these things. Therefore, though my confession in relation to the aforementioned beliefs could change over time and with experience, the central belief of the gospel of Jesus Christ, however, will never change. In relation to the centrality of the gospel, I also believe that the God who raised Jesus from the dead is the creator of all things, and is inherently good, that God is opposed to evil in the world. I believe that God will eventu ally bring a final judgment and healing to all things, which will restore the universe and the evil within it. While I believe all of these things, provided by the evidence of scripture, I do not believe I will ever know all things of God and theology in this life and possibly should not be concerned with the knowledge of all things of God and those things related to God. The writers of the biblical text were not concerned with knowing all things of God, but instead, having relationship with God and trusting in that relationship. It is with these assumptions that I begin my confession. This confession seeks to: (1) Convey a theology of Scripture, God, Creation, Humanity and Sin, Jesus Christ, Salvation, Holy Spirit, the Church and Ministry; and (2)... ...s the fellowship of the body of Jesus Christ. It exists wherever two or three are together in the name of Jesus Christ to worship and serve. The church is holy in that the church is set apart to God by the Holy Spirit. The church serves as the dwelling place of God on earth and has a unique purpose to glorify God among all people. It is also a community of discipleship and repentance. The church is universal because as Roger E. Olson states, â€Å"it exists across barriers of language, ethnicity, culture and nationality.† (Olson, 304) The universal church extends from Pentecost, until the return of Christ and throughout eternity. The church is apostolic in that it is a continuation of the faith of the apostles of Jesus Christ who received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Wherever the apostles proclaim the gospel, the church is present. (Olson, 305)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Performance management system at TCS Essay

The performance management process involves all levels in an organization. Strategic goals set by the organization filter through the organization and affect the goals and activities of each employee. In addition, the performance management process gathers and updates current employee data to maintain the human resource information system (HRIS). The HRIS contains a skill bank of employee information that enables the HR department to determine if the organization has the right mix of skills and people to achieve the organization’s goals in an ever-changing world. This information is used in all areas of HR decision-making. Effective performance management requires ongoing communication between supervisors and staff. The assessment and review part of the process provides the opportunity for documentation and formal communication. It’s the time for the supervisor and the employee to set developmental goals that reinforce the organization’s strategic plan and, if th ere are areas of problem performance, action plans for improvement. There should be discussion of the employee’s career progress and plans made for training and long-term career growth. Many supervisors see the appraisal process as a motivation tool to improve employee performance. The employee’s main objective is to obtain feedback from the supervisor on his or her work performance. Ideally, employees receive feedback at all times and not just through the review process. The employee will also expect organizational support in his or her career growth.  Together, the employee and the supervisor should identify areas for improvement and set goals for training and skill development. Anything the supervisor can do to enhance the employee’s skills will benefit both the employee and the organization. If the organization links performance appraisal to compensation, most employees will expect a raise as a result of a positive review. Though supervisors generally conduct the review, they may not have a say in the amount of compensation awarded because compensation is normally determined by organizational policy. This can be particularly problematic for supervisors who want to motivate employees through the appraisal process but find the organizationâ₠¬â„¢s compensation to be a de-motivator when increases are not as much as employees would like. For this reason, many supervisors prefer that compensation increases are not linked to the performance appraisal process. Difference between Performance management and performance appraisal Performance Management Performance Appraisal Performance management is a goal-oriented system to ensure that organizational processes exist to maximize the productivity of employees, teams and, ultimately, the organization. A performance appraisal is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team performance. Performance management is an ongoing organizational process that is conducted to maximize the productivity of employees with the overall intention of improving the organization’s effectiveness. The performance appraisal is a periodic event to reflect and evaluate past performance with the intent to identify strengths and weaknesses of an employee’s performance and to identify developmental goals. It is strategic in nature and involves every person and all HR processes in the organization. All are directly tied to achieving the organization’s goals. A performance appraisal is just one part of a performance management system. The Importance of Performance Management The employees are an integral and indispensable part of running a business smoothly and efficiently. That’s why, keeping in mind the crucial role of the employees, a recent trend known as Performance Management has come into practice. Using performance management, we can ensure that our employees not only fulfil their responsibilities, but do so to the best of their abilities and up to your expectations. Performance management allows us to tap the full potential of our staff. It can be described as a comprehensive process starting from monitoring and developing the desired traits to rating their progress and rewarding them for their achievements. I. Involve Employees in the Planning Stage The making of plans alone will not help us to run our business successfully. We must also focus on the appropriate ways to get business tasks done. One way of doing this efficiently is to involve our employees in the planning process. This will not only boost their morale and confidence, but also help us avoid any communication gaps in the process. Additionally, it will also help in providing them with a clear picture of what we expect from them and what they need to accomplish. II. Monitoring the Progress of Our Employees Just as revision of business plans is sometimes necessary for the success of our business, measuring the performance of every employee is also important. This ensures that tasks are efficiently completed on time and on or under budget. It also points out to you any shortcomings of either our staff or business plans, and helps us to take the appropriate corrective actions. III. Ensuring All Around Development of Employees Performance management gives us the tools to install the desired qualities in our employees in order to get the job done. Development is not limited to only individuals in our workplace, but also addresses the performance of the team as a whole. All around employee development not only ensures the  personal and professional growth of our employees, but also the expansion and improvement of our business. IV. Evaluation of Individual Performance Evaluating and rating the performance of our employees on an individual basis is essential. This gives them a clear picture of where they presently stand, areas that they need to work on and what they are good at. This way, they can focus more on their weaknesses and work to strengthen those areas. We should make it company policy to issue performance reviews while providing your employees with the feedback that they need to perform better at their jobs. V. Rewarding Our Employees Rewarding and appreciating our employees’ efforts ensures that the level of their performance and consequently the performance of our business is not compromised. It ensures optimum productivity, Performance and maximum profitability. Rewarding our staff for a job well done not only enhance their performance but also serves as a tool to keep them motivated. Therefore, performance management is an effective system that allows us to achieve the financial goals of our small business. Methods of Performance Appraisal There are a variety of appraisal methods available to organizations. The method selected by the organization should fit well with the organization’s goals and be appropriate to the job being appraised. Some organizations use different methods for different positions. Regardless of the system used, regular communication and feedback from managers are more important than the method used. Graphic rating scale A graphic rating scale is the most commonly used appraisal system. Evaluators record their judgments on a scale that includes about 5–7 categories. Categories are defined by adjectives such as outstanding, meets expectations or needs improvement. This method is popular because it is easy to administer and can be quantified, if desired, by adding a numeric value to each description. Ranking method In the ranking method, the evaluator places employees from a particular group in the order of overall performance, starting with the top performer–who is rated the highest–and moving down to the poorest performer in the group who receives the lowest ranking. Paired comparison is a variation of the ranking method in which the performance of each employee is compared with every other employee. The comparison is often based on a single criterion, such as overall performance. The employee who receives the greatest number of favorable comparisons is ranked the highest. This can be difficult to administer if your work group consists of a large number of employees. Forced distribution method The forced distribution method requires the evaluator to assign individuals to a limited number of categories, much like a normal frequency distribution curve. A few individuals will get very high ratings and a few will get very low ratings, with the majority averaging in the center of the curve. Generally, those with very low ratings are subject to termination. As with the ranking method, this system requires the evaluator to place some employees at the bottom, even if their performance is acceptable, and some at the top, even if performance may actually be less than outstanding. The system makes the erroneous assumption that there must be some outstanding workers and some poor workers, even when that may not be the case. Forced distribution is unpopular among managers because many believe it destroys teamwork and fosters cutthroat competition among employees. Critical incident method The critical incident method requires the evaluator to maintain records of employees’ favorable and unfavorable performances. These critical incidents become the basis for evaluation. The incident log must be maintained over the entire evaluation period to eliminate the problem of just evaluating an employee’s most recent Performance. Essay method In the essay method, the evaluator writes a brief narrative of the employee’s performance. The major criticism of this method is that it is very  subjective because the evaluation criteria left entirely to the discretion of the evaluator and the results are dependent on the writing skills of the evaluator. It can be difficult to compare the results of employee evaluations that use the essay method because there are no common criteria used for evaluation. BARS–behaviorally anchored rating scale BARS is a behaviorally anchored rating scale that combines elements of a traditional rating scale and a critical incident method. Various performance levels are described on a scale, and the evaluator compares the employee’s performance to the levels described. The descriptions provided reduce the amount of judgment required of the evaluator and rely on the evaluator’s observations of the employee’s work behavior. MBO–management by objectives Management by objectives, or MBO, is a results-based system that relies on the manager and the employee to jointly agree on objectives, the attainment of which becomes the basis of evaluation for the next appraisal period. TCS- Tata Consultancy Service About The Company Tata consultancy services limited (TCS) is the world-leading information technology consulting, services, and business process outsourcing organization that envisioned and pioneered the adoption of flexible global and pioneered the adoption of the flexible global business practices that today enable companies to operate more efficiently and produce more value. They are part of one of Asia’s largest conglomerates- the TATA Group- which, with its interests in Energy, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Chemicals, provides us with a grounded understanding of specific business challenges facing global companies. The role of HR assumes unthinkable proportions and is subject to mammoth challenges. With this sensitive breed of IT professionals, how has TCS grown to and sustained at the number one position is a question which market watchers have asked themselves a thousand times. There is but one answer- passion for excellence in the workforce practices. TCS has developed an unbreakable bond with sound HR  practices in an environment that defines traditional roles and responsibilities. The TCS-HR group operates with technical experts to create a synergy which is enviable. The role of HR, which is that of a facilitator. So whether it is recruitment or even career development, HR is the catalyst which initiates and institutionalizes processes. To manage all the functions for over 14000 employees is a difficult task but the smoothness of operations is intriguing. The HR structure, which allows flexibility and empowerment, is the solution. Performance Appraisal Criteria at TCS Objective Data relating to performance assessment of employees are recorded, stored and used for different purposes: MAIN PURPOSE OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL General Applications Specific purposes Developmental Uses Identification of individual needs Performance feedback Determining Transfers and job assignments Identification of individual strengths and development needs. Administrative Uses Salary Promotion Retention or termination Recognition of individual performance Lay-offs Identification of poor performers Organizational Maintenance/ Objectives HR planning Determining organization training needs Evaluation of organizational gal achievement Information for goal identification Evaluation of HR systems Reinforcement of organizational development needs Documentation Criteria for validation research Documentation for HR decisions Helping to meet legal requirements Performance Appraisal and Competitive Advantages in TCS The objectives of performance appraisal, point out the purpose which such an exercise seeks to meet. What needs emphasis is that performance evaluation contributes to TCS’s competitive strength. Besides encouraging high levels of performance, the evaluation system helps identify employees with potential, reward performance equitable and determine employee’s need for training. Specifically, performance appraisal has helped the TCS gain competitive edge in the following ways: Improving performance Making correct decisions Ensuring legal compliance Minimizing dissatisfaction and turnover Values and behaviour Strategy and behaviour TCS conducts two appraisals: 1. At the end of the year 2. At the end of a project Appraisals are based on Balanced Scorecard, which tracks the achievement of employees on the basis of targets at four levels: Based on their individual achievements, employees are rated on a scale of one to five (five = â€Å"superstar†). If employees get a low rating (less than two) in two consecutive appraisals, the warning flags go up. â€Å"If the poor performer continues getting low scores then the exit option may be considered. Over the years TCS has found the pattern that leads to the maximum decline in performance. If employees work for more than two years on  the same project, typically either their performance dips or they leave the organisation. To avoid that, TCS shuffles its employees between projects every 18 months or so. â€Å"Performance drops if motivation drops† the employee satisfaction depends upon the fact whether his performance is being appreciated and recognized. TCS’s performance management system has metamorphosed into one that emphasizes objectivity and a system that mandates performance evaluation against pre-determined criteria. What Deserve special mention is the active participation of the senior management in the determination of guidelines for the Performance Appraisal Process. The process ensure buy in of the employees since the guidelines for the rating system and its conversion into money terms is not unilaterally decided by HR but is a consensus of a cross functional team with representation from all levels. TCS’s performance appraisal system is supported by an online system called the Human Resource management system an Oracle Developer 2000 based tool. An employee’s performance history at the click of a button and this accurately maintained for 14000 employees. Right from his entry, an employee in TCS get formal performance feedback once every 2 months till such time that he is confirmed after which the performance feedback is provided twice every year on a formal basis. TCS however widely encourages informal feedback discussions between Project leader & Team Members and this concept have found an overwhelming appeal among the people. Recognition at TCS Guaranteed high motivation levels at TCS through competitive compensation packages, stimulating job content, outstanding development opportunities, and not the least, an innovative recognition mechanism. The various ways in which TCS recognizes its people are listed below: Project milestone parties — to encourage efficient execution of projects. Recognition of star performers / high fliers — to recognize outstanding talent. Nomination to covet training programmes — to encourage self-development. Best project award — to promote a spirit of internal competition across work groups and to foster teamwork. Best PIP award — to encourage innovation and continuous improvement. Best auditor award — to acknowledge participation in critical support roles Spot awards — to ensure  real-time recognition of employees. Recommendations for new technology assignments / key positions — to ensure career progression and development of employees’ full potential. Performance-based annual increments — to recognize high performers Early confirmations for new employees — to reward high-performing new employees Long-service awards à ¢â‚¬â€ to build organisational loyalty EVA-based increments — to ensure performance-based salaries. On-the-spot recognition —to guarantee immediate recognition of good performance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A close evaluation of the Character and actions of Lady Macbeth Essay

This is an evaluation of noble cleaning woman Macbeth, in this I aim to cover some(a) points nearly her character and actions throughout her active spell in the literature. Firstly we domiciliate study that she has big plans for Macbeth to extinguish Dun send word in order for him to be shine exponent of Scotland, the modality she tries to tempt him is in addition interesting, with such a lines as guess deal th not wrong flower, but serpent infrat Which is basic each(prenominal)y saying that he must act all innocent but is truly going to knock off Dun sight, this shows how she is cunning, and plotting treason for her keep up and herself.Then we come to her encouraging him to kill Dun finish, she does this by struggle his manhood, by claiming he is a coward this can be calln in a paraphrase such as and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting I d are not wait upon I would like the poor cat i th adage? This is just gentlewoman Macbeth telling Macbeth that he is a coward and is alarmed of his own self, which Macbeth is quite enraged roughly and decides to follow through with the plan and kill Duncan.Lady Macbeth and so takes it upon her self to confine pressure on Macbeth to kill Duncan. This can be seen by her use of coaxing language to convince him that everything will go according to plan. What not put upon his muddy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great continue? This is Lady Macbeth reassuring Macbeth at the occurrence that they can frame, quite easily, the chamberlains of Duncan. This is shows her unquench equal thirst for Macbeth to become king is emerging trueheartedly. She then helps to plan their chemical reaction the morning after the brutal exclusion of Duncan and how they can pass the blame onto the guards. The quote Who dares receive it other, as we shall make our griefs and give tongue to roar upon his death? These words are Lady Macbeth saying, Who would dare to think otherwise about the guards killin g Duncan, when we make it look as if we had no idea about it and act so shocked on the discovery of his body that we make a big fuss about it?However, all of the above may seem like she is in control, but she doesnt actually carry out the rack up, this could be for a few reasons, these are If the murder went prostitute it would be Macbeth how would be directly guilty and so leave her in the clear, she could start out also been scared to do it for the sincere fact that she wouldnt be able to (mentally). She may not want to specify involved because if Macbeths mental posit and grip on reality slipped, then she would go gobble up with him if she got involved so she would affirm to keep a strong head for both of them. These reasons can weigh many of her personalities such as world quite selfish and letting Macbeth bum caught for the murder if it went wrong, but it also shows that she knows if she does it that she may start losing her grip upon reality, this makes it clear th at she has sentience of her capabilities in respects to murder.After the murder of Duncan, Macduff discovers that Duncan is dead and has been murdered, Macbeth responds to this in a manner of rage and shock and then harvest-feast to slay the twain chamberlains that Macbeth covered in Duncans blood and their daggers after the murder. He does this perhaps out of rage or possibly for cover to hide his confederation with is wife, perhaps to make her pleased that he can think on the spot. This and leads to Lady Macbeth fainting, whether this is due to the fact that she is also covering up her involvement with the murder, or sheer shock from hearing that Macbeth has killed the two chamberlains. Either way it means she is already trying to wash her hands from the murder. save it does appear to work, as they are concerned for her health rather than her participation to the murder. as well as just before Macduff may have the chance to question her she cries for help, this once over again shows of her quick thinking and cover of her part in the murder.In conclusion Lady Macbeth is one of the most controversial characters. She can be viewed, as a woman of strong will who is ambitious for herself and who is perceptive enough to recognise her husbands strengths and weaknesses, and callous enough to exploit them. We see her in her commitment to evil and in her realisation that the acquirement of the Kingship of her husband has not brought her the happiness she had aspired for, and finally, as one who breaks down under the anxiety of the murder.Others see her as a woman ambitious for her husband whom she loves. She recognises the essential good in him, and feels that, without her, he will never win the Crown. She associate herself with the powers of darkness for his sake, but her congenital womanhood breaks down under the strain of the supernatural murder of Duncan and the alienation of her husband. She is seen as open and realistic where Macbeth is complicated a nd imaginative. She can see what must be done as he visualises the consequence.